We work hard to provide amenities for the community by providing markets, play areas and allotments. More detailed information can be found by clicking on the tabs on the left.
We also own and manage the Cemetery off Westfield Road. The small team work very hard to keep the cemetery clean and tidy for everyone to visit and enjoy. This year you may have seen that we have left some areas wild to encourage natural wildflowers to thrive and wildlife to visit and we mowed paths through these areas to allow you to walk amongst the wildflowers. We have also planted a large area of wildflowers close to the Selby Beekeepers Apiary to encourage the bees to stay in the cemetery. Some of the older graves that are no longer maintained by family members have also been sow with wildflowers.
The Town Council are keen to develop new projects, and are starting on a repair and restoration programme to both chapels in the Cemetery. Future projects will include a full renovation of the recently purchased 1811 Building but in the meantime will carry out a programme of repairs and maintenance.