Selby Town Council – Neighbourhood Plan (NP)

We are currently reviewing the Neighbourhood Plan.

Consultation was previously held on the dates below.

The Neighbourhood Plan consultation and workshop session details below held in the Town Hall:

12 February 10.30am-12.00 – Parks and Open Spaces
12 February 2.00pm-3.00pm – Cycling and routeways
13 February 6.30pm – 8.00pm – Wildlife and Green Corridor
14 February 10.30am – 12.00 – Rivers, ponds and wetlands
14 February 2.00pm – 3.30pm – Landscape Character
20 February 6.30pm – 8.00pm – Sports/Recreation

Consultation events took place as follows:

Tuesday 7 November 2017 9.30am – 12 Noon

Monday 13 November 2017 2pm – 5pm

Wednesday 15 November 2017 9.30am – 12 Noon

In 2015 the Town Council approached the District Council to designate the area for a Neighbourhood Plan. The District Council approved the designation, and the Town Council are now working towards completing a NP.

The areas covered in Selby Town Neighbourhood Plan were:

Enhance the Green Space

Develop Cycle Paths

Provide Infrastructure including transport, trains and waterways

There was a questionnaire available in December 2016 to consult with the local community. The areas were Green Infrastructure – to include

  • Transport, trains, cycle paths and waterways
  • Green Space
The questionnaire is below for information. The responses were due back by 14 January 2017 and a report on the responses was completed and is below.
The responses to the consultation questionnaire were from a variety of ages, lots of teenagers aged 14-17. Improvement to Health & Well Being came through on the responses.
The second questionnaire is below for completion by Friday 21 July 2017. Once completed send it to or bring it in to the Town Hall office – Monday – Friday between 10am – 4pm.

A consultancy (Groundwork Yorkshire) have been appointed by the Town Council to provide admin support for this project. Locality provided £4,025 towards the initial consultation and admin costs. As the plan progresses more work will be needed and a Working Group has been appointed to look at the NP and ensure it meets the criteria set by DCLG and Selby District Council.

Neighbourhood Plan


There have been several meetings to discuss the NP. The notes from the meetings are attached below:

The NP is a work in progress. This page will be updated as further information is available.
