The Finances of the Town Council are checked quarterly by the Finance and Staffing Committee, the committee is appointed annually, and the Chair is appointed at the first meeting per annum. Dates of the meetings for 2023/24 are available from the Schedule of Meetings on the Council page of the website.
The Financial Strategy is attached for information. Income and Expenditure summary reports go to council monthly and quarterly the Income and Expenditure Reports go to Finance and Staffing Committee for scrutiny.
The 2024/25 Budget was approved at the December 2023 Special Budget Meeting. The budget can be found below and in the documents section.
The Town Council appointed Internal Auditor for 2023/24 is Northern Internal Audit Services. An External Auditor is provided and for 2023/24 the External Auditor is LLP Littlejohn.
The Town Council appointed an Internal Auditor at their Council meeting in February 2024. Sancton Accounting Services have been appointed for the years 2024/25 and 2025/26.
A Notice of Conclusion of audit has been prepared and is available to below.
Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the financial year 2023-24. These documents were available on reasonable notice by application to the Town Clerk commencing on Monday 3 June 2024 and ending on Friday 12 July 2024.
Please contact the Town Clerk at or 01757 708449
The Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23 has been completed and approved by the Internal Auditor. The Accounts are available to members of the public.
Sections 1 and 2 have been approved by Council at the Annual Council meeting held on 22 May 2023. The Annual Governance and Accountability Return is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Selby Town Council on application to the Clerk, Monday to Friday Office Hours (10am to 4pm).
The Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22 has been completed and approved by the Internal Auditor. The Accounts are available to members of the public
Sections 1 and 2 have been approved by Council in May 2022. The External Auditor returned their response and Section 3 is from them. The Annual Governance and Accountability Return is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Selby Town Council on application to the Clerk, Monday to Friday Office Hours (10am to 4pm). Notice of conclusion of audit.
The Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21 has been completed and approved by the Internal Auditor. The Accounts are available to the members of the public from Monday 4 June – Friday 14 July 2018. Sections 1 and 2 have been approved by Council on the 21 May 2018. The External Auditor returned their response and Section 3 is attached from them.
Council ensure the Financial Regulations are adhered to at all times.
Each month the Expenditure payments made by the Town Council to suppliers is presented and approved by Council. The list of payments by month are listed below. They can also be found within the Agenda for each monthly Council meeting.
Selby Town Council prepares an Action Plan to ensure that operational decision making is transparent, and priorities are appropriately resourced. The Action Plan summarises our current responsibilities and the projects and proposals we will develop and/or deliver. This is a working document and progress will be reviewed at Committee meetings throughout the year, adding to it or amending as necessary. The Action Plan will inform the budget setting process.
The town council has adopted the Corporate Risk Report on 27 November 2017. Work Activity Risk Assessments have been completed and approved by the Health, Safety and Welfare Working Group, made up of two members of staff and two councillors. The Risk Report and Work Activity Risk Assessments are reviewed on an annual basis.
Following two public consultations the council’s Business Plan has now been completed.
The Business Plan sets out our vision for the period 2024-2034.
The purpose of the plan is to provide an overview of the Town Council’s strategic objectives. The plan remains a living document, which will be regularly monitored, reviewed, and updated, responding to pressures arising from changing circumstances and forms the basis for the following years Action Plan.
Document Retention Policy
Data Protection Policy is attached. Due to the General Data Protection Regulation changes on the 25 May 2018 the Town Council are reviewing their current policy and the new document will be uploaded in due course.
Health & Safety Policy attached
Equalities Policy of the Council attached
A training policy has been adopted for staff and Councillors. A training record is kept by the Clerk for both staff and Councillors. The Town Clerk is CiLCA qualified and undertakes training annually to ensure 12 cpd points are gained each year.
Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure