Each year the Town Council give grants to local organisation’s to assist with their funding.
The Grants are considered by Council each year in April. The deadline for submitting the grant is end of March each year. Please find the 2025/26 Grant Application Form below for you to print and complete then send to the Clerk by email – admin@selbytowncouncil.co.uk or by Post to the Town Hall, York Street, Selby YO8 4AJ.
All grant recipients are required to complete a Grant Evaluation Form. This is important to the Town Council as it is used for internal audit purposes in our community planning work and enables us to review the Community Grants application process. The form is sent to all recipients, but an electronic version can be found below.
IMPORTANT – If you are applying for a grant for 2025/26 and you received a grant from the Council last year you are required to complete a Grant Evaluation Form which can be downloaded below or on request from the Town Council office
Early each year, there is a grant application form available with the deadline to return the form by 31 March each year. 2024/25 grants have now been allocated.
To apply for a grant 2025/26 you will need to complete an application form which is available below. If you require any assistance, please make an appointment with the Town Clerk.
You can return your application form back by email admin@selbytowncouncil.gov.uk or post it into the Town Council Office, Town Hall, York Street, Selby YO8 4AJ.
Successful applicants will be invited to a grants presentation at the Town Hall on Wednesday 14 May at 6pm.
The Town Council awarded £30,320 in grants to the following groups:
The Town Council awarded £27,734 in grants to the following groups:
The Grants Presentation Ceremony will be held on Friday 12 May at 4pm in the Town Hall
The Town Council awarded £28,182 in grants to the following groups:
Community Grants 2021/22
The Town Council awarded £26,412.32 in grants to the following groups:
The Town Council awarded £39,260 in grants to the following groups.
The Town Council awarded £37,709.67 in grants to the following groups and cheques were presented on Thursday 2 May:
The Town Council has awarded grants to several groups as listed below and cheques were presented on Tuesday 8 May 2018. Photographs are below of the grant presentation. £35,997.63 was provided this year.